Now that you’ve started your garden, here are some tips and tricks to further boost your plants’ growth. These will help you keep your garden healthy while also saving time, money and energy!
Banana Peel Water
Instead of throwing out banana peels, cut them up and put them in a cup with some warm water. Let that sit for about an hour, and you have a homemade fertilizer! Strain the peels out and water your plants with this tincture about once a week; it’ll boost their growth with essential minerals and nutrients. This can be used on your indoor and outdoor plants.
This simple trick can be done with cucumber and potato skin peels as well. For the cucumber skin, let them soak in water for about 5 days in a sealed container, then water your plants every two weeks. The potato skin peels need to soak for about a week in a cup covered with tin foil. Then water your plant with this mixture every two weeks as well.
** Note: You MUST use organic produce, because conventionally grown fruits and vegetables have chemicals steeped into their skin and that will poison your plants.
You’ll need to pick weeds out of your garden to keep it healthy. Weed killers have a high chance of harming your plants and the soil as well, so it’s best to do things by hand. However, there are a few ways to make your war on weeds a little easier. Weeds are easiest to pick after a good rain. Wait for the soil to start drying, then go after them. The roots will be looser so you won’t struggle with snapping weeds off at the stem. (Make sure to get the roots or else they’ll regrow in no time!) You should also weed right before you plant in the spring, then mulch your beds when your plants have sprouted.
Spreading mulch on your plant beds is a great way to keep away weeds and bugs, and it helps the soil hold moisture better. Use organic mulch if possible – you can find some in your own yard! Dead leaves and lawn clippings can both be used as a mulch; just make sure to run the leaves through a lawn mower to get them sized down. Wood chips are the usual go-to, and can be mixed with these two materials to keep your garden healthy.
Crop Rotation
After a few years of growing in the same place, plants may become more illness- and insect-prone. To avoid soil-borne diseases, keep away bugs, and improve your soil’s overall health, switch up where you’re planting! This can be as easy as moving your tomatoes from one side of the garden to the other. Keep a rotation cycle and return a plant to where it originally grew every 3 or 4 seasons.
Rain Collection System
A convenient and eco-friendly practice for your garden is to keep a rain barrel on hand. Although pulling from your tap may not seem like a big expense, the costs will definitely build up, especially if you live in a drier climate. This is a great way to reuse!
With these tips, your garden will thrive! Good luck, and happy gardening.