Outdoorosity - Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors


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Many homeowners in the U.S. have grass lawns. They look pretty and add a nice, clean aesthetic to a house. Besides, grass is natural—why wouldn’t you have one? Well, there are a few key issues that are not only hurting the planet but hurting you as a grass lawn owner as well. Let’s dive into …

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Pumpkin picking, leaf peeping, getting lost in corn mazes — fall is a season full of outdoor activities. But people aren’t the only ones on the go. Squirrels are busy in the fall, bulking up for the winter with extra food and storing nuts, acorns, and seeds for later. Eastern gray squirrels can be found …

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We have a small terrier mix that we adopted from our local humane society about seven years ago. “Max” loves to be outdoors, and he often follows my son around the backyard or through a nearby field. Several times my son has commented how Max has actually made a trail through the yard, where the …

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Depending on where you live, you probably see fewer birds during the winter months. Many species migrate to more temperate areas, some traveling hundreds of miles. But there are those birds that stay behind, even in the coldest weather. Cardinals are some of the easiest to spot with their bright red feathers. Others you might …

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The next time you see a goldfish, whether in an aquarium at the pet store or a fishbowl at your friend’s house, know that the humans in its life will determine if it stays a harmless pet or develops in to one of the most destructive forces in a wild ecosystem. Most goldfish are members …

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