- Make a giant cup of hot chocolate and sip it on your porch.
- Catch a snowflake with your tongue.
- Make an impact in your community: spend an hour picking up trash in or near your neighborhood.
- Have a competition amongst your family and see who can collect the most pinecones. Then make something beautiful with your bounty. Here are some ideas from Martha Stewart.com.
- Winterize your yard for birds and get ready for the spring migration.
- Winter is a great time for farm and garden prep for spring. Lend a hand at a local farm. They will love you for it! Check out Crop Mob for volunteer opportunities near you.
- Conquer your fear of running in the cold. Check out these tips from Runner’s World and discover the benefits with Sports Fitness Advisor.
- Get creative! Create something besides a snowman with this year’s snowfall. Try a cat or a minion.
- Want to bring nature indoors? Try Weathering Winter with a Flower Arrangement a Day.