1/13/2015: Outdoorosity Challenge: Try @KeepinItKind‘s Pomegranate Orange Sweet Potato Bake.
1/7/2015: Outdoorosity Challenge: Bundle up and head for a walk with a loved one.
10/21/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: pick a topic and learn more: choose fishing, boating, canoeing, camping, tree climbing or whatever you like.
10/15/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Ditch the gym and work out in the sunshine. You’ll likely feel happier and more energetic afterwards!
10/4/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Walk to your meal (restaurant, picnic or a friend’s house).
9/20/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: make the most of the last Friday of summer 2014!
9/9/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Get out and enjoy the supermoon tonight!
9/5/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Take time to appreciate wilderness this weekend–there are so many different options!
8/12/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Watch for the Perseid Meteor Shower tonight (and continue to admire the Supermoon), then on August 18th, check out Venus and Jupiter an hour before sunrise. https://m.space.com/25119-biggest-night-sky-events-2014-explained-infographic.html
8/1/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Find a beautiful flower this weekend.
7/25/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Wake up in time to watch the sunrise.
7/9/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: appreciate local goods.
6/30/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Go blackberry picking.
6/22/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Celebrate the beginning of summer by spending time in the water.
6/17/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Plan a kayaking or canoeing excursion.
6/2/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: hit the trails as soon as you can.
4/29/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Take a few moments to plan an adventure.https://outdoorosity.org/
4/11/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Seek out a spectacular sunset.
4/2/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Welcome spring by completing number 12 on Outdoorosity’s bucket list: Enjoy asparagus at the peak of freshness during April! https://outdoorosity.org/
1/25/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Get outside and take a walk. (Be sure to wear appropriate clothing for the weather conditions in your area.)
1/1/2014: Need New Year’s resolution suggestions?
1. Eat more in-season foods
2. Bike to do errands
3. Get outdoors with friends or family at least once a week
4. Take up a new sport: snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and ice skating are a few ideas
5. Volunteer to help preserve nature: for example, participate in an organized cleanup or restore a trail
6. Take a photo outdoors every day
7. Visit more local parks
8. Learn about the plants and wildlife in your area
9. Spend 30 minutes outside for every 30 minutes of electronic entertainment
11/15/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: Season your dinner with fresh herbs.
11/7/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: Catch a falling leaf (before it hits the ground) to get a wish!
10/8/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Grab friends and family and go stargazing.
9/28/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: go exploring! You never know what you might find around the corner.
9/19/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: Head for a bike ride after today’s tasks are done. Everybody deserves a break!
9/6/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: grab some friends and take a picnic.
8/31/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: Visit a waterfall over the long weekend.
8/6/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: try to un-plug a little over the weekend.
7/6/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: The next time it rains, instead of complaining, try to enjoy it! Summer showers can be so beautiful.
6/24/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: take a break sometime today and wish on a dandelion!
5/29/2013: Outdoorosity Challenge: We challenge you to take a bike ride today! Active lifestyles make you feel better.