- Try remixed snow art: Add color to your snowman or snow angel with spray bottles of diluted food coloring.
- Take a nature walk to gather materials (think rosemary, holly, pine cones or berries) to decorate your home.
- Try cross-country skiing.
- If you missed it this fall (or even if you didn’t), build a bonfire and brave the cold with some friends.
- Make ice bubbles.
- Make a healthy resolution for 2014! See Facebook.com/Outdoorosity.
- Make snow ice cream: it’s so easy!
- Participate in a 5k or take a morning walk.
- Educate yourself: read up on snowflakes, the Winter Solstice, avalanches, or hibernation.
- Make a new soup: some ideas are roasted gingered butternut squash, chicken taco soup, winter squash and apple, or lemon chicken and orzo.
- Scent your air naturally with a homemade clove-covered tangerine.
- Go on a virtual trip to the Northern Lights.
- Try an herbal tea as a healthy warm drink option: mint, chai, and lemon-ginger green tea are our favorites.