Are the grey skies of winter getting you down? Don’t worry — there are plenty of ways to enjoy the season. Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Try a new winter sport, like skiing, snowshoeing, or snow tubing.
- Catch a snowflake with your tongue.
- Have a competition among your family and see who can collect the most pine cones. Then make something beautiful with your bounty.
- Winterize your yard for birds and get ready for the spring migration.
- Conquer your fear of running in the cold. Check out these tips from Runner’s World and discover the benefits with Sports Fitness Advisor.
- Get creative with snow! Build something besides a snowman with this year’s snowfall.
- Make a giant cup of hot chocolate, grab a blanket, and enjoy the view from your porch.
Spring is right around the corner — enjoy the winter days while you can!
Photo by GaborfromHungary