If you like to take photos, you’ve probably got a growing collection of pictures of friends, family, events, and selfies. But have you ever thought of capturing wildlife with your camera, too? You’d be surprised what you can find when you’re on the lookout for wildlife.
Here are a few examples of what I’ve captured:
We saw this bird at a small pond in the middle of town when we were visiting family in Florida. With a little research, we found out it was a white ibis.
But you don’t have to go far to find wildlife. We spotted this “huddle” of snails high in a tree in our backyard. One possible explanation on why they would come together like this is to conserve water.
This praying mantis was in our yard, too. We see a lot of these insects, as they tend to hide in the long grass near the house.
Think you can only find floaties at a pool party? Think again! These baby robins were still in their nest when at a friend spotted them during a get-together at her house. The nest was in a young tree and low enough for us to look right inside.
On a road trip? You never know what you might find on the wall of a gas station. We pulled off an interstate that ran through the mountains in Tennessee and found this imperial moth.
Imperial Moth
I’m still trying to get a good shot of the wild turkeys that roam near our house. What wildlife have you been able to capture?