Outdoorosity - Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors


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You may have noticed that as the weather starts to cool, there are more wasps flying around. That’s because during the spring and summer, the population of a wasp colony continues to grow. It reaches its height in late summer and early fall.  There term “wasps” includes paper wasps, yellowjackets, hornets, mud daubers, and many …

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In one of my creative writing classes, a student included chipmunks in his descriptive paragraph about the woods. I was a little surprised, though, as his chipmunks were climbing trees. I made a note on his paper that they didn’t really do that, but he assured me that they did. It was time to find …

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Pumpkin picking, leaf peeping, getting lost in corn mazes — fall is a season full of outdoor activities. But people aren’t the only ones on the go. Squirrels are busy in the fall, bulking up for the winter with extra food and storing nuts, acorns, and seeds for later. Eastern gray squirrels can be found …

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When my children were young, we spent a beautiful fall afternoon building forts in the woods. My oldest daughter, who was about eight years old at the time, suddenly shouted that she had seen a cobra! Feeling more than a little confident that there weren’t any cobras in South Carolina, I rushed over to where …

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Every fall, North America’s monarch butterflies travel hundreds of miles to migrate to warmer areas.  Making the migration even more amazing, the butterflies return in the spring. They are the only butterfly species known to make this two-way migration like birds do.  Where Do They Go? Some butterflies go through the winter as larvae, pupa, …

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The raccoon is one of nature’s most adaptable creatures. Known for their intelligence and resilience, they thrive in both urban neighborhoods and dense forests. Their ability to adapt to diverse environments makes raccoons a common sight across North America. Appearance  Raccoons are medium-sized mammals that are easily recognized by their black masks and ringed tails. …

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We have a small terrier mix that we adopted from our local humane society about seven years ago. “Max” loves to be outdoors, and he often follows my son around the backyard or through a nearby field. Several times my son has commented how Max has actually made a trail through the yard, where the …

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White-tailed deer are common in North America, making their home from Southern Canada all across the continental U.S. except for the Southwest. They are easy to recognize with their brown or greyish coat with white around the eyes and nose and on the throat, stomach, and underside of the tail. But there are some things …

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 If you like to take photos, you’ve probably got a growing collection of pictures of friends, family, events, and selfies. But have you ever thought of capturing wildlife with your camera, too? You’d be surprised what you can find when you’re on the lookout for wildlife. Here are a few examples of what I’ve captured: …

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When we were growing up, my brother, sister, and I used to go outside on summer nights and try to catch fireflies. Today, watching them flash in the evening is still one of my favorite things about summer. Not long ago, while we were camping in a valley in Tennessee, the fireflies flashed in the …

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A nature journal is a book or notebook for recording thoughts, feelings, ideas, and observations about the natural world. Nature journaling offers a unique way to deepen your connection with the outdoors by capturing the beauty, changes, and wonders of the natural world. Whether you’re reflecting on a quiet moment in the forest, noting the …

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crows in field

Every once in a while, a huge flock of crows comes our way. They fill up the yard or the tree branches, making quite a racket. They are gathering together to sleep, and their big group is called a “roost”. No one is sure why these birds do this, though it may be for protection …

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Writing spiders are large black and yellow spiders often found in backyard gardens. Some legends say that if you speak someone’s name to a writing spider, the spider will write that name when it weaves its web. Other stories say that if you disturb or damage the web, the spider will write your name. Although …

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When I see a small animal that seems to be in distress, my first reaction is to catch it, take it in, and try to help it. But over the years, I’ve learned that’s not always the best thing to do. When I was about 10 years old, I came across three baby squirrels at …

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Canada geese are one of the best-known types of water birds. Their long black necks with black and white markings on their heads make them easy to recognize, even from far away. But although many geese still live in wilderness areas, others have moved into the cities. They take up residence in neighborhoods, parks, and …

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It’s the holiday season, which means lots sparkly lights, colorful packages, and pine cones! If you haven’t noticed them before, you’re sure to see them now – on wreaths, in baskets, as ornaments and centerpieces. But besides adding to the holiday cheer, pine cones have an important job. They protect the pine tree seeds from …

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‘Tis the season for spotting mistletoe! Not only can you find it hanging from the ceiling, you can also find it high up in the trees. It’s not hard to spot; just look for bunches of green among the bare tree branches. But did you ever wonder — what exactly is mistletoe?  History  Mistletoe is …

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Depending on where you live, you probably see fewer birds during the winter months. Many species migrate to more temperate areas, some traveling hundreds of miles. But there are those birds that stay behind, even in the coldest weather. Cardinals are some of the easiest to spot with their bright red feathers. Others you might …

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This week, try making your own homemade kite. Then, on the next windy day, head outside to fly it! Here are some great sites for lesson plans on how to construct the kites:  “The Diamond Kite – Lesson Plan.” National Museum of the US Air Force  “Building a Geometric Kite – Group Kite-Building Lesson.”  John …

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When the weather begins to warm up, turtles are on the move. They may be searching for food or mates. Many of these turtles are females looking for nesting sites to lay their eggs. What should I do if I see a wild turtle? The best thing you can do when you find a turtle …

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