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Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe

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Before all the spring vegetation grows back, why not go on a hunt for animal burrows? You don’t even have to go into the woods – burrows can often be found in backyards and around buildings, too! A burrow is a hole or tunnel that an animal digs for security. It might consist of simple, …

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Pumpkin picking, leaf peeping, getting lost in corn mazes — fall is a season full of outdoor activities. But people aren’t the only ones on the go. Squirrels are busy in the fall, bulking up for the winter with extra food and storing nuts, acorns, and seeds for later. Eastern gray squirrels can be found …

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The raccoon is one of nature’s most adaptable creatures. Known for their intelligence and resilience, they thrive in both urban neighborhoods and dense forests. Their ability to adapt to diverse environments makes raccoons a common sight across North America. Appearance  Raccoons are medium-sized mammals that are easily recognized by their black masks and ringed tails. …

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We have a small terrier mix that we adopted from our local humane society about seven years ago. “Max” loves to be outdoors, and he often follows my son around the backyard or through a nearby field. Several times my son has commented how Max has actually made a trail through the yard, where the …

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crows in field

Every once in a while, a huge flock of crows comes our way. They fill up the yard or the tree branches, making quite a racket. They are gathering together to sleep, and their big group is called a “roost”. No one is sure why these birds do this, though it may be for protection …

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Depending on where you live, you probably see fewer birds during the winter months. Many species migrate to more temperate areas, some traveling hundreds of miles. But there are those birds that stay behind, even in the coldest weather. Cardinals are some of the easiest to spot with their bright red feathers. Others you might …

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Have you ever heard a loud chirping noise as you head off to bed? If so, your unexpected houseguest is most likely a field cricket. These crickets can be found in a variety of habitats, such as forests, caves, fields, lawns, and sometimes your home. They can slip in through cracks in foundations and siding, …

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If you have a cat that goes outdoors, chances are it’s probably caught a few smaller animals. Our cat once came to the door with a baby rabbit in its mouth. As I reached for it, I realized the little rabbit was still alive. Before I could get it, though, the cat let go, and …

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A huge thanks to everyone who entered this contest!  We wish we could have offered prizes to everyone — all the bookmarks were so beautiful. You can see the winners HERE!       It’s summer and time to get outside!  Our founder, Jo Hackl, has written an outdoor adventure, Smack Dab in the Middle of Maybe.  …

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You may have heard it in the evening or late into the night: a yip, a chattering howl, an eerie chorus that reminds you that something is wild and awake and on the move. You don’t have to live near woods or a forest to hear it; you can hear the sounds in neighborhoods, towns, …

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It’s early December, and almost all the deciduous trees in our yard are bare. That makes it easier to see some feathered friends, especially cardinals with their bright red plumage. One red bird that’s difficult to spot throughout the year is the scarlet tanager. In the summer, these birds usually stay among the thick foliage …

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