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Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors


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Worm towers. At first glance, the idea might make you squirm. But if you garden—at any scale—these worm towers could be a game changer for your soil’s health. Vermicomposting is the practice of using worms to expedite the natural breakdown of organic materials that eventually gets turned into compost. It’s a cost-effective, eco-friendly way to …

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Many homeowners in the U.S. have grass lawns. They look pretty and add a nice, clean aesthetic to a house. Besides, grass is natural—why wouldn’t you have one? Well, there are a few key issues that are not only hurting the planet but hurting you as a grass lawn owner as well. Let’s dive into …

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Now that you’ve started your garden, here are some tips and tricks to further boost your plants’ growth. These will help you keep your garden healthy while also saving time, money and energy! Banana Peel Water Instead of throwing out banana peels, cut them up and put them in a cup with some warm water. …

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You’ve probably seen a gray squirrel scurrying around on trees and digging for acorns.  You may have seen a squirrel running into the middle of the road, darting this way and that, until it finally decides to cross. Most likely, you didn’t pay it much attention. However, in North Carolina or Kentucky, this little animal …

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Starting and Maintaining a vegetable garden can be a great activity to keep your kitchen stocked with fresh, organic vegetables. It’s also a great way to spend time with friends and family. But… how does one start a garden? Here are some tips to get your garden started and help it thrive! 1. Location Plan …

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Are you looking for an exciting and beautiful destination to journey to for the start of the new year? Look no further than the Great Smoky Mountains National Park! These mountain peaks are stunning at any time of year, including winter.  The Great Smoky Mountains National Park is the #1-visited national park in the U.S …

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Welcome, Winter!

Today marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year — the winter solstice!  It also serves as the official ushering in of winter. Here are some things you can do to celebrate this chilly season.  Go on a Hunt  Bundle up your family and go on a winter scavenger hunt! Fewer leaves …

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In the middle of Massachusetts rests the cozy little village of Shelburne Falls. At first a major salmon-fishing site when the colonists first came to America, Shelburne Falls later becoming a source of waterpower because of the Deerfield River that bisects it. I have a personal connection to the town, as my great-grandparents lived there …

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Sometimes life can feel like one hectic schedule after another, and you are always on the go. But if you have a quiet day at home, an afternoon off, or even just an hour of free time, take advantage of the break in your day. You may have to be intentional about it, but there …

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One of North Carolina’s greatest attractions in the high country is Grandfather Mountain, the highest peak on the eastern portion of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Standing at nearly 6000 feet, it is located at the confluence of three counties: Avery, Caldwell and Watauga. This impressive site boasts many attractions, such as its mile-high swinging bridge, …

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For Americans, the 4th of July is a time to remember, respect, and celebrate the freedoms we as continue to enjoy. One of the main symbols of those freedoms is the bald eagle, which was named America’s national bird in 1782. Bald eagles were given this title due to their majestic appearance, ferocity, and independence—qualities …

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In Chatham County, North Carolina, lies a nearly 14,000-acre reservoir known as B. Everett Jordan Lake. It is loved by campers, hikers, boaters, fishermen, and general admirers of nature alike. Built as a flood control effort and completed in 1974, it now serves as a main water source for multiple surrounding towns and cities, and …

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