Outdoorosity - Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors


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This contest is now closed. Entries are still being posted in the gallery. You can view the winner HERE.      It’s time for Outdoorosity’s 2018 Great Outdoors Art Contest!  Theme: The Great Outdoors What do you love about the great outdoors? Show us with your original artwork! Subject matter can be anything that has …

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Early in the morning, on January 31, a super blue blood moon will be visible to residents in some parts of the western U.S. Find out more on NASA’s site HERE.    Photo by cgiraldez    

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In many parts of the country, the winter season means snow. But before you bundle up with that cozy blanket in front of the fire, consider these ideas for enjoying that fluffy white stuff: Go sledding Gather snow to make snow cream Build a snowman or a whole snow family Have a snowball fight (my …

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Today is the first official day of winter and the shortest day of the year.  To celebrate, the Outdoorosity team has a few ideas for you and your family to make the winter season magical: Celebrate the solstice with a night hike. You can read more here. Enjoy the winter by bringing the outdoors inside. …

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It may be chilly outside, so add a layer or two of clothing and then head out into the dark! All you need are some flashlights or headlamps. Then take a hike around the yard, down the street, and through the neighborhood!    Photo by mrmac04  

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It’s the big weekend for shopping the sales and waiting in line. It reminds me of a birthday party I went to at Chuck E. Cheese when my children were small. It was so loud and crowded that the birthday girl’s mom said, “I just want to go home and sit under a tree.” The …

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I love Thanksgiving, especially when extended family can get together to celebrate. Every time we do, we usually follow the family’s traditional Thanksgiving schedule: cooking and baking all morning, eating a huge meal around lunchtime, taking a nap, and then playing a family football or volleyball game. And while the food is delicious and the …

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  We love thinking of ways to celebrate each season.  Here’s what we’re looking forward to trying this Fall.  Let us know if you try them!     You’ve tried a leaf pile. This Fall, try a leaf maze or labyrinth. We’d love to see pictures of your designs. Make smores with a solar oven. …

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Here are some fun ways you can welcome summer: 1. Make sure to get yourself to the path of totality for a once-in-a-lifetime total eclipse on August 21st. Learn all about the Great American Eclipse here. 2. Goat yoga is the latest craze. We give you permission to cave to temptation and check it out! …

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This is going to be a milestone summer. This is the first summer in which both my girls will attend sleep-away summer camp. The first word that explodes in my mind is “freedom” — for them and me. As excited as I am to have some time to tackle a few projects at home, to …

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I love nothing more than combining multiple good things. Perhaps it’s a product of being born into the millennial cohort or perhaps it’s the fact that I want too strongly to “do it all” within the confines of a “standard American adult schedule”, but when possible, combining things has become my default setting. A luncheon …

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September 22 marked the official start of autumn. This year, however, I don’t feel as though it officially arrived until early November. My family and I ushered in autumn while we were at the beach this past weekend. I love the beach in autumn, far more than the other seasons. Most people would agree that …

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I noticed her bulbous form, striking colors and lean legs in my front garden bed. She had just trapped a large bumblebee in her web and was swiftly wrapping it up in silk. My first reaction was to take a step back, as if she was going to jump from her web to suck the …

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1. As soon as you tumble out of bed, go outside for a few minutes and let the sun’s rays help wake up your brain. 2. If possible, eat breakfast outdoors or with a window open. Let the sounds of nature set the tone for a peaceful, productive day. 3. On the ride to school, …

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This summer, in addition to interning with Outdoorosity, I am interning at the Peace Center for the Performing Arts in Greenville, South Carolina, helping with its continuing education program for teachers. As a teacher-in-training, I welcome the opportunity to interact with teachers and learn more in my field. The work is invigorating, educational and inspiring. …

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It still unbelievable to me that this time last year I was over 8,000 miles away and on the other end of the world, New Zealand, to study my passion: education. I do not think I fully understood this trip’s impact on me until I have had time to reflect over it this past year. …

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1. Go kayaking! And check out these five reasons why you should take the kids with you. 2. Stargaze. Put these summer dates on your calendar. 3. Pick some fruit and make a cobbler. 4. Try tie dying with dye made from plant matter. 5. Use these tricks to attract fireflies to your yard. 6. …

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Picture this – a group of second graders collects caterpillars and eggs on milkweed and other flowers in an outdoor butterfly garden. Inside the classroom they’ll watch them develop and change, learning about habitats, metamorphosis, and the life cycle. A few weeks later they will release adult butterflies, watching in wonder as colorful wings beat …

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On the days I get home before dark (and often accompanied by a flashlight even after dusk) I take a walk in my yard and admire the plants and the mountains and the sunset and my goats. Lately, these walks have resulted in lots of pictures. Sometimes I’m so in awe of the plants and …

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Help the Monarchs by planting Milkweed in your yard.  Learn about varieties that work best in your region and how you can become a Monarch Waystation from Monarch Watch. Skip rocks. See if your community has a bike parade and join the fun.  If not, consider organizing one for your neighborhood. Make a rain chain …

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