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Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

To Do Outdoors

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After driving the beloved forest green family minivan for all of my licensed teenage years, I was excited when it came time to pick out a new set of wheels.  I’m not a very picky person when it comes to cars, but after sporting a twenty-year-old Ford Windstar and embracing all of its “charming” imperfections, …

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It’s the first official day of summer, and there are plenty of ways to celebrate the season! Here are some ideas to get you started:  1. Take the kids on a bug hunt. 2. Play Bloom Bingo. 3. Find some river rocks and paint them. 4. Take a break along a quiet river or stream. …

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Rock balancing is used for creativity, to relax, and to meditate by stacking stones and rocks without using adhesive materials. It is also known as stone stacking, and stone balancing. For some, it is a beautiful art form; for others, it provides a form of peaceful meditation and stress relief. Still for others, it’s just …

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Temperatures are starting to rise, but there are lots of fun ways to spend time outdoors and still beat the heat. Try some of these water activities to stay cool when it’s hot outside. Go swimming. Check around to find the swimming spots are near you. Besides a pool, some other places to consider are …

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I grew up in a great neighborhood. All of the kids in the cul-de-sac were around my age, so playing outside was a regular and cherished part of my everyday routine. It’s this tradition and the sense of community surrounding the experience that sparked my love for the outdoors at a young age. Across my …

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A nature journal is a book or notebook for recording thoughts, feelings, ideas, and observations about the natural world. Nature journaling offers a unique way to deepen your connection with the outdoors by capturing the beauty, changes, and wonders of the natural world. Whether you’re reflecting on a quiet moment in the forest, noting the …

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When we hear the word “recycling”, we oftentimes think of  a single-use water bottle being dropped into a bin designated by three triangular green arrows and then sent on its merry way to be remolded into a new plastic product.  But sometimes, recycling can be a little more inventive than that. Over the past several …

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If you’re a college student like me, the farewell of winter and emergence of spring means one thing —finals.  By this point in the semester, the mere thought of finishing projects, writing lengthy papers, and preparing for arduous cumulative tests may send you into a spiraling vortex of stress.  Luckily, stress is natural, which means …

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April 22 is Earth Day! If you’re looking for a meaningful way to celebrate it, here are some ideas you can try:  1. Start a Nature Journal: Sometimes it’s hard to care about something when you don’t know much about it. Creating a nature journal is an easy way to get connected with the outdoors. …

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Humans are creatures driven by smells. We become alert when our nose detects that something could indicate danger or provide information. We react to smells such as burning, linger around strangers wearing an attractive perfume, wrinkle our noses when the trash hasn’t been taken out on time, and run to the kitchen when we smell …

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The days are getting longer, flowers are blooming and it’s the perfect time to get outside. Looking for new things to do? Try the Rainbow Hunt. Try to find things in nature that make up the colors of the rainbow. Start with red then move on to orange, green, yellow, blue, indigo, and violent. In …

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A few weeks ago, looking for something new to do outside, my family and I happened upon a little park—a field really—in the middle of a busy part of town. We had driven past it many times but never stopped to investigate. But this particular Saturday, the rain was coming. We were trying to get …

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Looking for a fun, cheap, family-friendly outdoor activity that feels like a treasure hunt? Give magnet fishing a try! When my preteen son came to me and asked about getting a magnet fishing set, I had no idea what he was talking about. After a little research, we ordered one on Amazon (search for Magnet …

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Be part of a global event! Join the Great Backyard Bird Count February 18–21, 2022, when the world comes together for the love of birds.  From the Great Backyard Bird Count website:  Participating is easy, fun to do alone or with others, and can be done anywhere you find birds. Step 1: Decide where you …

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Last January found me recovering from COVID, trying to feel at home in our new neighborhood, and needing a way for the kids to run off excess energy in wet winter weather. So on a whim, I made a goal for us: take one hundred walks in 2021. My kids and I dressed warmly, clipped …

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Venice Beach, Florida, in Sarasota County is known as the “Shark Tooth Capital of the World” and for good reason. When my family went there in September (and again in November—we really like that beach!), it took only minutes to begin finding shark teeth in the sand. Sarasota sits on a deep fossil layer, and …

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The past couple of years have become a more stress-filled year than any of us ever anticipated. But while we can’t always control the stressors in our lives, there are things we can do to find some stress-relief — including heading outside! In her book The Nature Fix: Why Nature Makes Us Happier, Healthier, and …

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We’ve always known it. Study after study has shown that the wisdom of previous generations was right: getting outdoors — into the sun, breathing fresh air — works wonders in every way. It boosts our immune systems, inspires activity and exercise, brings calm, and lowers stress. But sometimes in the busyness of life, a whole …

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The air outside has well and truly become cold, but there’s still plenty of fun to be had outside! Below are 10 ideas to make your winter more fun. Make sure you bundle up warm before you step outside. 1. Go for a hike and look up. With the bare trees, you can see many …

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Tucked away in the middle of the Great Salt Lake in Utah is a delightful, unique state park called Antelope Island. A long, narrow island, Antelope Island is easily accessible by car, via a bridge from the mainland. It’s a pretty drive over the lake, and you can often see shore birds and boats. Antelope …

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