Outdoorosity - Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors


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I jolted awake as the pinging of my morning alarm radiated through the room and snapped me out of my dreams. The clock indicated 5:15 a.m. in florescent blue lights.  This sight doesn’t usually spark within me a rush of excitement, but today was not just any ordinary day— Today was a Sendday Wednesday. It …

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Even if the temperature outside doesn’t have that autumn chill, there are lots of ways to celebrate the season. Here are 15 ideas to get you started on this first day of fall!  Visit a state or national park.  Find your way out of a corn maze.  Go for a hike.  Look for squirrel nests and other signs of …

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The Harvest Moon is the name given to the full moon that occurs closest to the September equinox. This year, September 20th is the date! So step outside after sunset tonight to see the full Harvest Moon!       

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This week, try making your own homemade kite. Then, on the next windy day, head outside to fly it! Here are some great sites for lesson plans on how to construct the kites:  “The Diamond Kite – Lesson Plan.” National Museum of the US Air Force  “Building a Geometric Kite – Group Kite-Building Lesson.”  John …

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What kind of natural objects catch your? Chances are, you’ve come across some interesting finds.  This weekend, use those objects to start your own nature collection. They might include a bird’s nest, a sea shell, part of an old hive, a turtle shell, feathers, or a piece or quartz. Use nature guides and reference books …

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Like last year, the start of school this year is anything but routine. But no matter what the school days look like, you can still bring the outdoors into your new school schedule. Here are a few ideas:  1. Choose a place outside to sit, such as under a tree or on a log. Then, …

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Succulents are some of the most popular plants due to their ability to survive without much care. If starting a garden seems like a daunting task, growing succulents from cuttings can be easy and fun. And the best part: they begin to grow at soon as two weeks! Succulents retain water in their leaves, roots, …

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This week, go on an insect hunt. This is a great activity to do with children.  What to Bring Pencil and notebook or a cell phone/camera  Magnifying glass (optional)  Where to Look Insects can be easily be found almost anywhere. Look under leaves, rocks, bark, and mulch. Look on trees and in bushes. You may …

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This week, go bird watching!  What birds live in your neighborhood? Head outside and find out! Take along the following items:  Binoculars (optional) Pen or pencil Paper Field guide or Smartphone Find a place to sit where you have a good view of trees or bushes. Use the binoculars if your sitting far away. When …

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This weekend, head outside with your camera and capture the beauty of the outdoors. For tips on taking landscape photos, check out these articles:  “Landscape Photography Tips”, National Geographic “15 Helpful Landscape Photography Tips for Beginners”, ImprovePhotography.com “Seven Tips for Shooting Nature Photos with Your Smartphone Camera”, Popular Science      Photo by Erean 

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For kids in grades K – 12 (international entries too)  From the contest website:  The Art of Conservation® Songbird Art Contest™ is a new art competition hosted by Wildlife Forever, focused on sharing the wonder and species diversity of North American songbirds. Building off the successful Wildlife Forever Fish Art Contest® and inspired by the legacy of artist and conservationist …

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If you’re anything like me, then summer is a time of the year that draws you outside.  With radiant sunshine, electric blue water, never-ending fields of wildflowers, and longer days, the scenery is practically demanding that we bask it all in.  Even if you live in an apartment, a park is usually close by. Being realistic, …

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Head outdoors this weekend and hit the water paddling! If there’s a lake nearby, rent a canoe and enjoy the natural scenery. Not sure where to go? Check out your local state parks and see what’s available.     

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Take your workout outdoors this week! Plan your own workout circuit in your neighborhood or nearby park. It doesn’t have to be strenuous — walking counts! Then head outside with your significant other,  your children, your friend, or your four-legged companion for some fresh air and exercise!    Photo by jzlomek

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It’s the first official day of summer! Here are some ideas to help you enjoy the season:  Go on a picnic Make a bird feeder Make a fairy house Go on a scavenger hunt around your neighborhood or through the woods Release ladybugs – You can buy them online and send them out into your yard …

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This week, head outside to locate in search of wildflowers. You can even draw a picture or write down a description of them in a nature journal. Then, use a field guide to identify them, or try one of these internet sites:  Discover Life Wildflower Search MyWildflowers.com   Featured image by mmainco

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If you ask your someone what activities are available in their neighborhood or city, they may say “shop at the mall” or “go to the movie theater”. But there are so many things to do outside as well! This week, get to know your natural neighborhood!   First, print a map of your town.  Next, mark …

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Summertime is unlike any other.  As the weather heats up and the sun lingers a little longer, I find myself overflowing with excitement and anticipation about all of the outdoor fun that is soon to come.  I have taken on the “dog days” in a lot of different ways and in a lot of different …

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 If you are growing a garden this year, consider bringing  a few more friends in on the project and release some ladybugs! Ladybugs are one of the best forms of natural pest control in gardens, as they eat a variety of insects and larvae that can harm your plants. You can purchase them online — even …

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Do your kids have a hard time thinking of things to do? Make an outdoor activity jar! You can use slips of paper, or you can purchase some blank Popsicle sticks from your local craft store. Then write a different outdoor activity on each paper or stick. When your children can’t decide what to do …

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