Outdoorosity - Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

To Do Outdoors

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I noticed her bulbous form, striking colors and lean legs in my front garden bed. She had just trapped a large bumblebee in her web and was swiftly wrapping it up in silk. My first reaction was to take a step back, as if she was going to jump from her web to suck the …

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One summer, I interned at the Peace Center for the Performing Arts in Greenville, South Carolina, helping with its continuing education program for teachers. As a teacher-in-training, I welcome the opportunity to interact with teachers and learn more in my field. The work is invigorating, educational and inspiring. As with any job, however, I find …

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Picture this – a group of second graders collects caterpillars and eggs on milkweed and other flowers in an outdoor butterfly garden. Inside the classroom they’ll watch them develop and change, learning about habitats, metamorphosis, and the life cycle. A few weeks later they will release adult butterflies, watching in wonder as colorful wings beat …

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On the days I get home before dark (and often accompanied by a flashlight even after dusk) I take a walk in my yard and admire the plants and the mountains and the sunset and my goats. Lately, these walks have resulted in lots of pictures. Sometimes I’m so in awe of the plants and …

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We went to Lake Conestee Nature Park on a mild winter Sunday –my husband, my kids, my dog. It was one of those rare times where, after days of pelting rain, we were treated to beautiful weather. For a few glorious hours, the sun shone, and no coat was needed on an early afternoon stroll. …

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If you are looking for outdoor pursuits in the upcoming cold months, consider the equestrian opportunities of horseback riding. Horses harness an ability to make you feel connected to the natural world like no other  animal. They are strong yet gentle. Independent yet empathic. There’s something  about their calming nature that can bring one into a …

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There’s no better way to give thanks than to display your appreciation for nature at the Thanksgiving table. Natural elements, with their depth of texture, are always beautiful to behold. Next time you are out on a walk, whether it be in the country, city or suburbs, make it a game with kids to collect …

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1. When leaves start to fall, try to catch one before it hits the ground. When you do it, make a wish. 2. Ready for a break from your routine? Follow a squirrel for five minutes (watching out for traffic, of course). You never know what you might find. 3. Roast butternut or acorn squash. …

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Choose one (or six) of these ideas to make this semester awesome. 1. In the morning, use five minutes to take a quick walk outdoors to wake up your brain. Read why exercising outdoors is optimal. Bonus: Try running outdoors in the mornings. Be sure to eat some easily digestible breakfast before you head out …

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Why wake to the blaring of an alarm clock when you can ease into the morning to the sounds of birds and natural light streaming in your window? Even though you’re heading back to school, you can still enjoy the dog days of summer by letting the sun wake you up. If your bedroom window …

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1. Tired of your alarm? Let the sun wake you up. Read our article on revamping your morning routine for summer. 2. Set up a hummingbird feeder just outside your breakfast window and start your day with a smile. 3. Enjoy a lemony and tangy salad of wood sorrel and wild strawberries (from organic, pesticide-free …

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March 30th is “Take a Walk in the Park” day.  Spend an hour enjoying a lovely stroll! Either find a fourth grader or act like one and plan your summer trips around national parks. As of this year, fourth graders get free annual passes to national parks! Make your own spring tonic soup. (Be sure …

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1. Start a New Year’s tradition to celebrate the possibilities of a fresh start. For example, a New Year’s afternoon family hike! 2. Make your own centerpiece from natural materials: for example, pine boughs, cinnamon sticks, pinecones, sprigs of rosemary or floating cranberries. Share your photos with us on Facebook. 3. Place leaves on photosensitive paper, …

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On Sunday, November 30th at 10:07 am, I completed my first 26.2-miler. Crossing the finish line was a beautiful and surreal moment. There were people all around me and many things happening all-at-once, but I was most aware of my legs and the clock. I ran for three hours, 46 minutes and 19 seconds in a row, ten …

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Invite some outdoorsy friends to enjoy free National Park admission on Veteran’s Day, November 11th. Pick a pumpkin off the vine. Find pumpkin patches and more. Replace your tired summer annuals with a salad garden: arugula, radishes, carrots and baby lettuce are delicious and simple to grow. Check out the wealth of gardening knowledge available …

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What’s up? Wassup? In this case SUP is neither of those things, it’s stand-up paddleboarding. The sport has been gaining popularity recently as a fun way to get outside and get fit. Stand-up paddleboarding is easy to pick up and offers many health benefits. While it may look hard to master at first, it’s not …

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1/13/2015: Outdoorosity Challenge: Try @KeepinItKind‘s Pomegranate Orange Sweet Potato Bake. 1/7/2015: Outdoorosity Challenge: Bundle up and head for a walk with a loved one. 10/21/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: pick a topic and learn more: choose fishing, boating, canoeing, camping, tree climbing or whatever you like. 10/15/2014: Outdoorosity Challenge: Ditch the gym and work out in the sunshine. You’ll likely feel happier and …

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Hurray!  The time has changed and the days are getting longer.  Use the additional daylight to enjoy time outdoors.  Some of our favorite things to do are play kick the can, enjoy a game of hide and seek, and play freeze tag with family and friends. Lay outside on a quilt outside and look for …

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Try remixed snow art: Add color to your snowman or snow angel with spray bottles of diluted food coloring. Take a nature walk to gather materials (think rosemary, holly, pine cones or berries) to decorate your home. Try cross-country skiing. If you missed it this fall (or even if you didn’t), build a bonfire and …

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Catch a falling leaf before it hits the ground and make a wish. Daylight savings time gives us an extra hour on November 3rd. Use that hour to watch the sunrise. Try three new types of apples. Bonus: pick-it-yourself! (Find an orchard at PickYourOwn.org.) Find the biggest rock that you can (mountains count) and climb to …

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