Outdoorosity - Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

Inspiration and Information About the Outdoors

To Do Outdoors

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Near the south entrance of Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming is the lovely Jenny Lake. Though much smaller than Jackson Lake to the north, Jenny Lake is still almost 1200 acres across and is a focal point of the park. Its waters are crystal clear and cold—it is a glacial lake—and its bottom, at …

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I jolted awake as the pinging of my morning alarm radiated through the room and snapped me out of my dreams. The clock indicated 5:15 a.m. in florescent blue lights.  This sight doesn’t usually spark within me a rush of excitement, but today was not just any ordinary day— Today was a Sendday Wednesday. It …

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Like last year, the start of school this year is anything but routine. But no matter what the school days look like, you can still bring the outdoors into your new school schedule. Here are a few ideas:  1. Choose a place outside to sit, such as under a tree or on a log. Then, …

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If you’re anything like me, then summer is a time of the year that draws you outside.  With radiant sunshine, electric blue water, never-ending fields of wildflowers, and longer days, the scenery is practically demanding that we bask it all in.  Even if you live in an apartment, a park is usually close by. Being realistic, …

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Summertime is unlike any other.  As the weather heats up and the sun lingers a little longer, I find myself overflowing with excitement and anticipation about all of the outdoor fun that is soon to come.  I have taken on the “dog days” in a lot of different ways and in a lot of different …

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It’s the first day of spring! It may not be a typical spring season, it’s still important to get outdoors. During these days that seem uncertain and challenging, spending time in nature not only helps fight anxiety, but it offers many other health benefits as well.  You can find out more here.  Below are some …

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Outdoorosity is creating a special (and timely) de-stress kit! As part of the kit, author Jo Watson Hackl presents this video to help you create your own woods time to feel more calm and relaxed. You can download printable instructions HERE.      

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Some people experience the “winter blues,”  a feeling of sadness or depression that can come with the shorter, colder days of winter.  If you’re feeling low, here are some seasonal activities to try as you wait for the sunnier months:  Try remixed snow art: Add color to your snowman or snow angel with spray bottles …

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During these uncertain times, you may be feeling anxious or overwhelmed. Did you know that nature can help you de-stress? That’s why Outdoorosity is creating a special (and timely) de-stress kit! As part of the kit, author Jo Watson Hackl presents this video to help you discover things you can do in the evenings to …

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What would you do if you had an invitation to see a sunrise off the Blue Ridge Parkway? Last fall, I received just such an invitation from some friends, so I jumped at the opportunity. Waking up at 4:15 in the morning was harder than I that it would be, but I managed to roll …

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One weekend in mid-November, some friends and I decided to hike up to the Chimneys in Linville Gorge near Morganton, North Carolina. It was a bit of a drive from where we started, especially when the pavement slowly turned to gravel, and the potholes became bigger. However, we continued driving up the mountain on the …

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The months have rolled on, and the seasons have changed, but sure enough, COVID is still here. And although everyone’s lives are shaped differently, in various places and at different stages, uncertainty is a collective commonality. I’ll say it: new “normals” are hard. Working from home—adjusting to online college—not being able to turn on the …

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It’s the first day of fall! Here are 25 ideas to help you enjoy the season!  Create a Nature Discovery Center. Go apple picking. Choose different varieties of apples and try some new recipes.  Go leaf peeping.  Start a Nature Wonder Hour tradition. Find your way out of a corn maze.  Go on a hayride.  Go hiking.  …

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Imagine  you’re on a trail run, a bike ride, spending the afternoon swimming at a lake, or maybe even on the top of Max Patch Mountain with no spare clothes or cell service at 9 o’clock at night like me last Friday… And it starts to rain. The fact of the matter is: it happens. …

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Explore Nature this summer with the Cricket Challenges!  You can find them all here!

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Learn 3 easy ways that you can incorporate nature into your evening routine to relax, unwind and create conditions for a great night’s sleep.          

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Learn how to start the day with a 5-minute flower arrangement to help reduce stress, increase productivity and increase happiness throughout the day.   

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If quarantine has taught me anything about everything, it is that more free time can give rise to remarkable moments.  As the pause in normalcy set in, and walks became the novel event of the day for many of us, an idea hatched.  While walking on a newly discovered trail through the state park near …

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Learn 3 easy ways to start your day in nature to begin refreshed and increase productivity and happiness.       

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  Outdoorosity has teamed up with author Jo Watson Hackl to put together a series of backyard and reading adventures to make your summer more fun.  We’ll have book swag giveaways on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and outdoor challenges on Jo’s YouTube channel. (You can subscribe HERE!)  Watch for the latest Adventure Challenge videos and …

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